"Kloey Battista was a joy to work with during her 2015 summer marketing internship at Gensler Los Angeles. She has tremendous leadership potential, a keen understanding of marketing strategy, and an eye for graphic design. Kloey did a great job of stepping-in and working with members of our marketing team on proposal content and graphic elements—she was truly a positive addition to our marketing team! "

                                                                                                                           --Kristi Sprinkel, Marketing Manager at Gensler

Publications + Features:

task -  DESIGN and produce TEMPORARY BIKE LANES.

I worked as a marketing intern for Gensler, a global and innovative architecture and design firm. During my internship, I participated in a research project for the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT). During this project, I was apart of a team of three architects, where we worked to design temporary bike lanes in Downtown Los Angeles.

After helping with the physical design and prototype of BikeON Bumpers, I created a brand identity, logo, and marketing collateral for our product, BikeON Bumpers. 

product -

Has been recently implemented in San Jose and Memphis with an  "overwhelmingly positive response". Check it out below.


 Logo design

BikeOn Gensler.png

BikeOn Marketing Collateral 

smartphone app